Founder & Co-ordinator
Mummy to four beautiful girls, wife and Head Honcho of Twins at Totstime.
​I enjoy meeting new people, especially families of multiples - I love to chat about the silly things people to say to us multiple mummy's.
"Yes my hands are full - my arms are full of cuddles too!"

Assistant Co-ordinator
My twins Poppy & George are nearly 2 ½ years old. I have been coming to Twins at Totstime from the very start when I was still pregnant, that seems like a very long time ago now! The group has been a fantastic support to me, especially in times of sheer desperation! I have made some fantastic friends and so have Poppy & George.
I became involved in Twins at Totstime after a conversation with Jacqui about helping out. I wasn’t sure that I could fit it in but really wanted to get involved more with this fantastic group. I am so glad I did because it gives me the chance to give something back to Jacqui and the group. Twins at Totstime is not just an ordinary baby and toddler group. We are mums who don’t judge and will help anyone out, just ask a question on our Facebook page and you will get a response in minutes. Twins at Totstime feels like a big family!
My main role is to organise our weekly stallholders and events. I invite local small businesses to come to sell and promote their products and offer taster sessions. We want to make it easy for you to buy bespoke and personalised items and taster sessions are a great way of seeing what classes have to offer. I love helping to organise our big events too like our Birthday and Christmas parities, it’s so exciting when a plan comes together!
Everyone makes Twins at Totstime what it is and I feel very privileged to be part of it.

Ros & Kirsty
Craft Co-ordinators
Twin mum's Ros and Kirsty organise fabulous craft activities for the children that join us at our play sessions.

Tracy, Nicola & Leanne
Fabulous Mummy Helpers
Friends of Jacqui, these three ladies are an incredible help to our team. Tracy, Nicola & Leanne help to set up and clear down the play area's, clean toys, help our families with feeds, putting children in pushchairs, looking after children during toilet breaks or nappy changes and will even bring you a cup of tea or coffee!

Set up & clear down
Family friend of Jacqui, Darren is a huge help to our Twins at Totstime team. He helps to set up the toys before each play session and then returns at the end of the play session to clear down. Darren is a fabulous Uncle to Jacqui's children and uses his Monday time as a good chance to spend some time with them.